Chiropractic Care For Neck and Back Pain

Our staff are dedicated to your healthcare and provide a friendly and supportive environment to ensure you receive the very best level of care and consideration. We are open Monday, Wednesday & Thursday. Open hours 7:00 -11:00am & 2:00 - 6:00pm

Call us today on 3254 3644! 

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Do you suffer from any of the following?

If you do, it is quite likely you have a potential issue that requires attention. We would love to meet you in person to go over the possible solutions, so you can get back to doing what you do best.

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Are you having frequent headaches? If you're having more than one a fortnight, you may need adjustment. We will identify the reason for your headaches and and give you genuine advice on how to solve the problem, so you can get back to doing what you do best!


neck & back pain

Having regular neck and back pain is not only uncomfortable, it can indicate symptoms of a serious, underlying issue. We will find out whether your pains are articular or extra-articular, and start working on it right away.


hereditary problems

It is not uncommon for children to have hereditary problems passed down through natural genetics. Our delicate chiropractors have experience in working with children of all ages. 


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