Everyone Gets Back Problems…

We hear it all the time and, yes, in a lot of cases that’s right - many people do. It is a result of the lives we lead. We were not designed for sitting at a desk for hours on end or doing repetitive tasks all day. Over time our spines become misaligned, wear out and generally deteriorate.

It’s similar to If we don't brush our teeth plaque builds up, teeth become eroded and eventually cause pain. We can eat a healthy diet and avoid sweets but if we don't brush our teeth regularly we are still going to get problems.

Your spine is the same; you can exercise, sit up straight, have a good bed and correct pillow, but you still need to correct miss-alignments on a regular basis to assist with and prevent spinal problems.

Don’t suffer in silence, for more information, give us a call or send a message.

Spinal Care Australia,

2/665 Brunswick St, New Farm.

Ph 07 3254 3644

(answering service available

for calls outside clinic hours)