Improve Your Health Today.
Back pain, neck pain and regular headaches can make everyday tasks difficult. We are passionate about helping you address the underlying cause, so you can enjoy a pain-free, healthy lifestyle. Our staff are dedicated to your health, providing a friendly and supportive environment to ensure you receive the best level of care.
Is Chiropractic For Me?

Do you suffer from any of the following?
If you do, it is quite likely you have a potential issue that requires attention. We would love to meet you in person to go over the possible solutions, so you can get back to doing what you do best.
Are you having frequent headaches? If it's more than one a fortnight, you may need adjustment. We will identify the reason for your headaches and and give advice on how to solve the problem, so you can get back to doing what you do best!
Neck & Back Pain
Having regular neck and back pain is not only uncomfortable, it can indicate symptoms of a serious, underlying issue. We will find out whether your pains are articular or extra-articular, and start working on it right away.
Hereditary Problems
It is not uncommon for children to have hereditary problems passed down from their parents through natural genetics. Our friendly, delicate chiropractors have experience in working with children of all ages, and can help your kids today.
We seek to align our goals with that of the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) in regards to spinal related problems, and spinal maintenance. In 2002 the WHO declared spinal and joint related injuries and problems a world-wide pandemic and have placed Chiropractors and Physiotherapists at the forefront of correcting spinal problems and educating patients and members of the general public on long term preventative care for spinal problems.
Currently spinal problems are estimated to cost Australia 30 million dollars annually. The W.H.O declared 2002-2011 the bone and joint decade, to raise awareness and educate people on correct spinal care. We are at the forefront of that education process in Australia, and founders of the Health Check International program designed to raise awareness of spinal problems Australia wide and the benefits of Chiropractic.
Our clinic has a focus on improving your spine and assisting you in maintaining correct spinal alignment now and for years to come. Like caring for your teeth, spinal care is an ongoing matter and a little maintenance and education are the best defence against spinal related disorders.
“Everyone gets back problems!” We hear it all the time and, yes, you are absolutely right - everyone does get back problems. It is a result of the lives we lead. We are not made for sitting at a desk for hours on end, we are made for picking berries and chasing tigers. Over time our spines become misaligned, wear out and generally deteriorate. If we don’t brush our teeth they build up plaque, become eroded and eventually cause us pain. We can eat a healthy diet and avoid sweets but if we don’t brush our teeth regularly we are still going to get problems. Your spine is the same; you can exercise, sit up straight, have a good bed and correct pillow, but you still need to correct misalignments on a regular basis to prevent spinal problems. Usually a visit to a Chiropractor once a month is enough to maintain your spine and keep it in healthy condition.
We all face stress in our lives both internal and external. Normal day to day life coupled with physical stresses act against your body and when the body isn’t maintained to optimum health your ability to combat these stresses becomes unbalanced and illness occurs. Chiropractic helps your body to cope with these stresses and helps prevent problems to your spine as well as your muscles, organs and nerves. Everybody needs to see a Chiropractor regularly to help maintain their health.
70% of spinal conditions are hereditary. If you have a specific spinal problem chances are other people in your family have the same problem. If you have a specific spinal problem please ask the staff about arranging a free check-up for your family. Family discounts are available.
Dr Gregory Coates
Dr Coates was born in South Africa but educated in Australia from a young age. Whilst at University Dr Coates was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Frustrated with the limitations of traditional medicine, Dr Coates branched out seeking assistance from alternative medicine, prompting a passion in Chiropractic and diverting his life forever. Dr Coates is a well-respected Chiropractor and keynote speaker to both public and corporate clients.
Dr Georgia Gardiner
Dr Gardiner’s passion for Chiropractic began after sustaining a serious injury and experiencing firsthand the barriers patients face when dealing with such injuries. After utilising many other disciplines to no avail, she began seeing a Chiropractor and experienced the benefits of Chiropractic in managing the initial injury and preventing reoccurrences. As a result, Dr Gardiner has a passion for patient-centred care and developing treatment plans specific to the condition, needs, and goals of each individual patient.
Missed Appointments
All patients are provided with a schedule of care that varies according to injury, condition and / or whether you are on maintenance work already. It is vitally important that your schedule is not interrupted, if you miss an appointment it is like taking 2 steps backwards.
If you are unable to attend your appointment it is important that you;
- call our office prior to your appointment time
- re-schedule your appointment so that you are still on schedule
Appointment Times
Our Chiropractors endeavour to run on time. If you are late for an appointment you may have to wait until there is an available appointment slot. If there are no available appointment times, you may have to be rescheduled to a different time or day.
Call us today on 3254 3644 and we'll see you soon!
We're open Monday- Friday 7:00am - 11:30am & 2:00pm - 6:15pm
Saturdays 7:00am -11.00am
Dr Greg Coates
7am - 11:30am
2pm - 6pm
7am - 11:30am
2pm - 6:15pm
7am - 11:30am
2pm - 6:15pm
Dr Georgia Gardener
7am - 11am
2pm - 6pm
7am - 11:30am
2pm - 6pm
7am - 11am
Our Community

Our Community
Throughout all our years of practice, we have built a wonderful community with hundreds of healthy, happy clients that have given enormous amounts of positive feedback. Almost every single client has said that chiropractic care has either completely corrected, significantly helped or shown improvement to their initial problem.
Our Blog
Contact Us

Call us on 3254 3644 or fill out a form below and we will get back to you right away!
2/665 Brunswick St, New Farm.
We're open Monday- Friday 7:00am - 11:30am & 2:00pm - 6:10pm
Saturdays 7.00am-11.00am